Hanging Out With Laura,
The coolest digital marketing nomad, world traveler and surfer.
Laura is our Digital Marketing expert. We meet through mutual friends who praised her professional skills and quickly hit it off, after that she started collaborating with us here at +351.
Laura told us her life story and we were amazed. She grew up in Argentina and from influence from her parents became curious about travelling and discovering new cultures. Laura lived all around the world but settled down in London for a while. One day she decided to quit her day job to fulfil her bucket list, during that time she founded a Marketing Agency and set off to travel the world.
Today she’s based in Lisbon, works remotely as a Digital Marketer and hits up the coastline whenever she can.
This is Laura, get to know her.

Can you tell us your story so far?
I was born in Argentina and grew up in a small town in the countryside. My dad has always traveled for work. He would often visit different countries like Japan, Romania or the US, among others. That made me curious to explore the world and when I had the chance I started doing it myself.
I lived in different places like Canada, the US, Peru, Chile and the UK. I began working in marketing for a company in London, and although I enjoyed it I craved for more adventure. It got to a point where I felt like I wanted to take a break, to reassess things, and understand what I wanted to do with my life.
I took a different approach and decided to send an email to myself with the subject line - What do you want? I wrote down a few things: to volunteer, learn how to surf, take a painting course in Florence and spend more time with my family. After that I quit my job, sold everything I had in my London apartment and went to Bali. There I began freelancing and it was great because the work kept me motivated. My goal was to learn how to surf properly and I stayed there until I felt I achieved a comfortable level.
Then I started travelling again for another year, visiting places like Santa Teresa, Costa Rica and trekking through Patagonia. Eventually I ended up in Portugal, which I now call home.
Next steps for you?
For now I want to stay in Portugal. I also hope to continue to grow my marketing agency and surf in Carcavelos, because it is very tough and I want to learn how to surf properly there.
Best spot in Portugal for you?
I really like Aljezur in the South. I spent some time there and I found it to be a really nice place to surf. There aren't many people, it’s not that touristy compared to the Algarve, so I enjoyed it. There are a few spots there that I really like, like Boa Vida Social Club, they have good vegan food, live music on Saturdays, and an epic skate bowl. I think the owner is Argentinian.
What is your favourite place to work remotely in Portugal?
I think my favorite place has to be a café by the beach. When I can, I try to work from Carcavelos or Costa da Caparica, it can be any café as long as it has wi-fi.
When I’m in Lisbon I always go to Selina, I like the people there and it’s a chill place to work from.
I believe that it’s good to change work locations every now and then. It changes my mindset and allows me to be more creative.

What does style means to you?
The first thing that came to my mind when you said style is long-boarding (surfing). Style is something that’s very unique to a person. In my view, a lot of people can surf, a lot of people can do a lot of different things, but there’s not a lot of people out there that have a unique style.
Who’s your life reference?
I’ll be very original here and say my parents. Well, definitely my parents and my siblings. When thinking about past mentors, I think whenever I needed someone to give me a good piece of advice about something really personal or something related to my profession, that was always a member of my family.

What’s the Band / Music Style / Spotify playlist that inspires you?
I have a really weird taste in music, I always say I can appreciate good music but I like bad music as well. If I had to choose a few it would be Phoenix which is a French band. I also like Nicola Cruz, it puts me in the mood for work, and also El Búho. I created a playlist called Tribal so I can keep all my tribal tunes there.
Any guilty pleasure worth mentioning?
We all do! Mine is Taylor Swift… She is coming to Portugal for NOS Alive, but that might be canceled so I’ll have to wait to see her live.

Photography and video by Francisca Sousa.
Marketing automation and digital advertising experts.
Beco Carrasco nº1,
1200-096 Lisboa
+351 21 011 5991